KASCO® Float

Kasco horiz float
Kasco Marine, Inc. offers an exclusive, arctic proven flotation kit that is optional for all De-Icers. The easy-to-assemble kit consists of stainless steel components and a flotation block. The De-Icer unit is mounted horizontally to the surface of the water, just below the flotation block. The De-Icer can be angled in several positions; horizontal and above and below horizontal.
The horizontal operation of the De-Icer produces an elongated pattern of agitatedwater. This is well suited for tough problems such as shallow water areas, areas where water and ice levels fluctuate such as tidalwaters, or where elongated open water areas are desired, such as around long docks. With adjustable angles above and below horizontal, the De-Icer can also be suited to fit many water depth and obstruction conditions.